YG-1 Threading tools are highly acclaimed of its excellent quality and unique design,
constantly remaining as the No.1 choice.
Maintained by YG-1’s tight quality control Its unique geometry prevents over-feeding
and also thin threading problems, achieving a shorter cycle time and higher productivity.
Threading Large Diameter
For High Speed Tapping on
Rigid CNC Machine
Rigid CNC Machine
For Multi Purpose Tapping
For Tapping Blind / Through Holes
For Steel Materials
For Hardened Steels
For Stainless Steels
For Cast Iron
For Aluminum Wrought Alloys
For Heat Resistant Super
Alloys and Titanium Alloys
Alloys and Titanium Alloys
Tapping by Forming Soft
Nut Tapping Machines
Tapping STI Threads of Soft Materials
Tapping Whitworth
Pipe threads
Pipe threads
X-Coated HSS-PM
Mutipurpose Tap