YG-1 launches new turning insert chipbreakers for heavy turning, UH & UT





[YG-1 Indexable Inserts]
YG-1 launches new turning insert chipbreakers for heavy turning, UH & UT




product/ Jan 31, 2023


New single sided inserts, now available for heavy turning


YG-1 has launched its general chipbreaker UH and heavy roughing chipbreaker UT for the heavy machining industry. 

They offer enhanced productivity when machining large components on medium-powered machines, typically found in wind power and shipbuilding industries.

​  UH, general chipbreaker with helix angle on the cutting edge enables smooth cutting at large depth of cut and reduces cutting force. 

Moreover, the unique insert demonstrates stable chip breaking to enhance productivity without increasing the load on the machine tool.

  UT, heavy roughing chipbreaker delivers a stable machining performance. It makes the insert the perfect choice for heavy rough machining applications. 

In addition, the strong cutting edge enables rigidity and stable cutting while improving productivity.


UH Chipbreaker




UT Chipbreaker




Chipbreaker range



Applicable component

- Heavy cutting environment, typically found in wind power bearing, ship industry, heavy equipment    

  industry, railway industry, etc.

- Offer reduced cutting force and maximized tool in rough machining

- Enables reliable and uniform performance in heavy turning applications.




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